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ichi rss

--- DevDiary ---


- 2023/06/24 -

This week, I finished working on the stage editor.

Or rather, finished implementing all of its functions. I am sure there are bugs about it that I've missed, and I hope they will be revealed later on. The stage editor is the most likely part of the game to have unintended behavior because it deals with objects that are outside of the game. Yet, as of today, it deals with them as much as it's supposed to.

The main menu of the diskette icon.

I have added a small menu system to the diskette icon to cover the essential parts of saving the stage: overwriting its own file, saving it as a new file, replacing an existing file, or just quitting the stage editor without saving any changes. One thing I am not fully happy with is how the stage editor itself does not show the stage's name while it is being worked on - only when saving it through the "Save as" button. But that is tolerable enough, I think.

Like I've mentioned earlier, I've developed a table of characters that the game will recognize as valid characters for the file name.

The 60 valid filename characters.

One quirk of the naming procedure is that all letters entered through the editor will be uppercase in the final file's name on the disk. The game tries preserving any lowercase letters that it loaded initially, though, and recognizes that, as an example, trying to save a file named "TRIAL.MBL" will conflict with the existing "trial.mbl", and if allowed to overwrite it, will keep it as "trial.mbl".

Now Sunrise Doll R is fairly sophisticated and transcends the original 2020 version in all ways but one: sound. I have implemented the sound system back when I worked on the volume slider, but I did not bind the actual sound effects to game events so far. I am going to transfer the audio from SD2020 to SDR and figure out what I can and cannot do with it compared to SD2020.